The funeral, which took place in ODZA, was followed by a mass at her home. The ceremony was attended by the Representative of the Head of State, Alamine OUSMANE MEY, and the Minister of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries, Dr. TAÏGA. A huge crowd, including colleagues, family, friends and supporters at home and abroad, gathered at the ODZA residence to pay their last respects to the fallen heroine. She was described as a modest, selfless, intelligent and empathetic mother, wife and colleague by her colleagues and loved ones.
Dr Laura BESONG née TABOT EGBE had a doctorate in veterinary medicine and a master’s degree in international animal health. She was appointed Conseiller Technique N°1 at the Ministère de l’Elevage Pêche et des Industries Animales in March 2021. She has held other positions such as Inspector of Services at MINEPIA, Deputy Director of Veterinary Sanitary Inspection and Veterinary Public Health. She was also a member of the scientific committee of the Centre Pasteur in Yaoundé. Prior to her death, she was recently appointed Executive Secretary of CEBEVIRHA (Commission Economique du Bétail, de la Viande et des Ressources Halieutiques). She was married with five children.