The entire political-administrative gotha witnessed the “BEst Practices Awards” ceremony and the official launch of International Archives Week. The ceremony took place in Yaoundé on September 7, 2023, and was attended by a number of heads of diplomatic missions accredited to Yaoundé, as well as several players on the arts and archives scene. The Ministère de l’Elevage, des Pêches et des Industries Animales (MINEPIA) (Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries) came away with an award for best commitment to good archiving practices. MINEPIA was joined by three other ministries, namely Higher Education, Urban Development and Forestry. These four ministries came out on top among a dozen nominated for this Awards “competition”. MINEPIA’s prize was received by Dr TAÏGA, Minister of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries. The ministry for which he is responsible has had a Sub-Directorate of Documentation and Archives for several years now. A few weeks ago, this structure celebrated International Archives Week.
This Thursday’s ceremony was presided over by the Prime Minister, Head of Government, with the notable presence of the Grand Chancellor of the National Orders, former Prime Minister Philémon Yang, who presented the MINEPIA award.