The staff of the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries (MINEPIA) moved to the rhythm of the workers on the occasion of the 138th edition of Labour Day.
Held under the theme “Constructive social dialogue, a factor in the promotion of decent work and social progress”, Labour Day in Cameroon was well attended, with its traditional parade along the Boulevard du 20 mai in Yaoundé. MINEPIA staff made a big impression as they marched past to rapturous applause, proudly waving chicken, pig, fish and beef placards, thus representing MINEPIA’s projects for 2030, the first fruits of which are already visible. At the end of the parade, all the staff were invited to a dinner hosted by the Minister of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries, Dr Taïga. It was a very special occasion, punctuated by a number of highlights, including artistic performances, speeches by the chairwomen of the organising committee, the pork interprofession, the aquaculture interprofession and the Minister’s closing remarks. The Minister also presented letters of congratulations to the staff of the Archives and Documentation Sub-Directorate, following the prize that MINEPIA had won in the competition for best archiving practices in Cameroon.
Then came the presentation of prizes and envelopes to the “2024 Golden Agents”.
Dr Taïga warmly congratulated the recipients on their dedication and hard work, and urged the rest of the staff to follow suit. Professional cards were presented to all the staff of the Central Services and the DREPIA Centre. These cards will enable MINEPIA staff to work in complete safety when out in the field. “It’s up to us to support them technically and administratively, and it’s up to us to support them in such a way that they participate in production… pork is already in production, chicken has already won its battle. It’s a victory for MINEPIA, it’s a victory for poultry farming, and tomorrow we’re going to celebrate the victory of pork, and the day after tomorrow the victory of fish”, declared Dr Taiga, welcoming the presence of the inter-professions at this celebration.